All About Promotions

How to Create and Sell a Spend & Get Promotion

A Spend & Get promotion is when a customers transaction total is over a nominated amount (ie. $30). The customer is then eligible for the Spend & Get promotion which a discount on particular product(s).

To activate the promotion when serving a customer you will be required to manually select a product called 'Spend & Get 1', 'Spend & Get 2'  or 'Spend & Get 3' along with the product on promotion.

If the Spend & Get products do not exist in your product search then please do the following.

How to create a Spend & Get product

  1. Navigate to the product overview page via Menu > Stock Management > Products
  2. Click + Add Product
  3. Into the Barcode text box please type 'SG1'
  4. Click Next
  5. Select SPEND & GET 1
  6. Ensure the cost is set to $0
  7. Ensure the 'Track Inventory' toggle is disabled
  8. Click Save

Note; the required IBA barcodes have been inserted into the relevant Spend & Get products.

Complete the above steps again for the second and third Spend & Get product and type SG2 and SG3 into the Barcode text box.

Multiple Spend & Get products are required for accurate scan data reporting. Please refer to your promotional sheet for the relevant Spend and Get number to be applied to each promotion.

Note; Shopfront creates the Spend & Get promotion for the following zones - VIC Zone 1, NSW, ACT & WA Zone 1/2.

These zones are NOT required to create the promotion manually.

If you belong to one of the above zones mentioned and the Spend & Get promotion has already begun then please contact shopfront for the push of the promotion. Please ensure you have created the Spend & Get products prior to making contact.

Creating a Spend & Get Promotion Manually (SA & TAS Only)

  1. Navigate to the promotions overview page via Menu > Marketing > Promotions
  2. Click + Add Promotion
  3. Follow the creation wizard's instructions 
  4. On the page 'What type of promotion do you wish to run?' select Spend $X get 'Y'
  5. Add the amount of money that has to be spent in your store to activate the promotion for 'Y'
  6. Add the Spend & Get product on 'What should the customer spend it on?'
  7. Continue following the creation wizard's prompts
  8. Once finalised you will be presented with the full edit page for this promotion, check the details are correct
  9. Finalise by clicking Save

    Congratulations you have successfully setup a Spend and Get Promotion.

    Note; if there are multiple products within the Spend & Get promotion with the same quantity and price it's best that you load all of the products into one promotion. 

Most stores prefer to have a sales key setup in the register rather than searching for a product. If you would like to setup products in sales keys then please refer to the following articles Adding a Product to Sales Keys and Sales Keys