Sale Keys
Sale Keys provide a huge range of powerful customisations to the Sell Screen. With Sale Keys, you can add products to the sale, discount products, add notes, return items and more.
Customising Your Sale Keys
To view, edit and create Sale Key folders, you'll need to navigate to the Sale Keys page, this can be achieved by following the steps below:
- Open the Menu
- Select Setup
- Select Sale Keys
This will display a list of available folders which you can then Edit, Clone or Delete.
Creating a new set of Sale Keys
If you need to create a brand new set of Sale Keys (we also refer to this as a folder), you can do so by pressing the New button at the top of the screen.
You will need to name the new folder, if you wish to use a default Shopfront sales key template, choose the template and select Create.
Your Sale Key folder will be added to the list of available Sales Keys allowing you to further edit them.
Editing Sale Keys
Pressing the Edit button next to any set of Sale Keys will display the Sale Key editor.
To edit an already existing sales key, simply select the sales key you wish to edit.
To add a new Sale Key, ensure there is a space available and press the Add Sale Key button, a sales key will automatically be inserted into the first available position, this can then be resized and dragged into the correct position.
The Sale Key information on the right-hand side will need to be adjusted to your requirements, the table below shows the options available to configure individual sale keys.
Field | Description |
Key Action | The action this key will perform when selected (more details below) |
Disable Key | Whether the key is disabled for use |
Prevent Disable | This prevents the key from being automatically disabled due to context |
Prevent Hover | When enabled no hover options are available |
Prevent Hover Animation | When enabled hover animations are not available |
Border Colour | The colour of the key border |
Normal Background Colour | The colour to use in the background of the key |
Normal Text | The text that appears when no image is present |
Normal Text Colour | The normal colour of the text |
Normal Image | The image that will be displayed on this key |
Hover Background Colour | The background colour that will appear when hovered |
Hover Text | The text that will appear when hovered (text is not visible when images are present) |
Hover Text Colour | The colour the text becomes when the key hovers over |
Constrain Width | Whether the image should be constrained to the width of the key |
Constrain Height | Whether the image should be constrained to the height of the key |
Fill Key With Image | Whether an image that is too small should be increased in size to fill the image |
Sales Key Actions
There are a large number of actions available with varying functionality available.
Note: Additional actions can be made available by integrations which aren't documented here.
Add a Component to the Currently Selected Package
If the active product is a package, this will add the specified component to that package, otherwise it will add the component to the sell screen as a separate product.
- Component: The component to add
Add a Gift Card
Start the gift card purchase process to add a gift card to the sale.
Add a Note
Add or edit a note which exists on the sale.
- Apply Note To: One of Product, Sale or Sale (Internal), this defines which part of the sale the note is being applied to
Add a Order Reference to the Current Sale
Add or modify the order reference for the current sale, this is typically used when the customer requires a matching reference on their receipt.
Add a Product
Add a Product Using Case Quantity
This allows you to quickly add a predefined product (typically this is use for products without a barcode, large items so you don't need to lift them or commonly purchased additions).
If using the Add a Product Using Case Quantity action, the quantity will be multiplied by how many items come in a case.
- Product: The product to add
- Request Quantity: Whether quantity should be requested when pressing the key
- Quantity: If not requesting quantity, what quantity to add to the sell screen
Add Customer to the Sale
Add a predefined customer to the sale, useful for common account customers (such as delivery companies like Uber or DoorDash).
- Customer: The customer to add to the sale
Add Quantity to the Current Product
Add a single item to the active product.
Apply Predefined Discount
Using the currently active product, apply the discount specified. For more information on discounting, check out our help article.
- Discount Type: The type of discount to provide
- Discount / Quantity: The quantity, amount or value to discount by (depending on the Discount Type specified)
Cancel the Current Sale
Remove all products from the sell screen and mark the sale as cancelled.
Note: Sales that contain integrated payments (such as PC-EFTPOS and Tyro) cannot be cancelled without first refunding and removing the payment methods.
Change Price Set
Change the currently active price set. This requires the premium plan to do anything.
- Price Set: The price set to change to
Create a Customer
Show the customer creation wizard.
Decrease the Current Product's Quantity by the Originally Scanned Barcode Quantity
If you've scanned a six-pack barcode and then increased the quantity to eight and then press this button, it'll reduce the quantity by six to be left with two items on the sell screen.
Display a List of Components to Add
Show a list of all components which can be added to the currently selected package.
Display a List of Components to Remove
Show a list of all components which can be removed from the currently selected package.
Display all Products in Classification
Display all Products in Classification and Add Case
This displays the product selector for the provided classification, the functionality of this screen can be customised in the general settings.
If using the Display all Products in Classification and Add Case action, the quantity will be multiplied by how many items come in a case.
- Classification Type: The type of classification to display
- Classification: The classification to see the products within
Display Product Details
Show more details for the active product, this is the same as pressing the name of the product when it is active.
Enter a key Into the Product Search Box
This will add the key provided as if it was added from the keyboard to allow you to search without a physical or virtual keyboard.
- Text: The text to enter into the keyboard
This supports a variety of custom text strings as defined below, all values in italics are required for the string to work:
- [Backspace] Removes the previous character
- [Delete] Remove the next character after the cursor
- [Clear] Remove all text in the search box
Flip the Sale Quantities
Adjust all the products to have the opposite sign on the sale, this is the same of going through each product on the sale and pressing the Return a Product sale key.
If you have a sale with the following two items:
- 3 x Product A
- 1 x Product B
Pressing the Flip the Sale Quantities button will result in the sale being:
- -3 x Product A
- -1 x Product B
Pressing the button again will revert to the original quantities.
Increase the Current Product's Quantity by the Originally Scanned Barcode Quantity
If you've scanned a six-pack barcode and then press this button, it'll add another six-pack to the quantity of the product.
Make Customer Payment
Allows you to make a customer payment from the sell screen when you have a customer added to the sale.
No Action
This is used when you just want to display a key without any functionality.
Open Cash Drawer
If you have permission, this will open the cash drawer when pressed, you can track these actions in the security centre.
Open Sale Key Folder
Display another set of Sale Keys
- Sale Keys Set: The sale keys to display
Pay a Specified Amount
Quick use a payment method to pay the provided amount, this is typically used with the cash payment method to specify denominations.
- Amount: The amount to pay
- Payment Method: The payment method to use
Pay the Exact Amount
Quickly use a payment method to pay the remainder of the sale off.
- Payment Method: The payment method to use
Pay using Customer Loyalty
Quickly use available Customer Loyalty points to pay the remainder of the sale off.
Remove a Component From the Currently Selected Package
Remove the provided component from the active product, if the active product is not a package this has no effect.
If the package does not contain the component, the component will be added to the package with a negative value.
- Component: The component to remove
Return a Product
Mark the product as returning (flips the quantity to the opposite sign, so if you have 3 x Product A, it'll become -3 x Product A).
Return to the Previous Sale Key Folder
If you've opened a sale key folder, this will return to the previous folder which was opened. If this is the home keys this has no function.
Search by Additional Information
Show the additional information search screen to search through your products that contain specific custom fields.
Search for a Sale
Show the invoice number lookup screen to allow for quick access to return an invoice based off invoice number.
Subtract Quantity from the Current Product
Remove a single quantity from the currently active product.
Use Case Quantity
Set the "next action" to use a case quantity, you can then add a product to the sale and it will be automatically added as a case or you can select an existing product on the screen and convert it to a case (if it's not already one) or back to items (if it already is a case).
View a List of Customers
Display the customer select list (this is the same as pressing the Add Customer button on the sell screen.
View a Previous Date
Display a previous date and / or time on a dynamic key, this is typically used to display the minimum date to check on ID cards.
- Duration Ago: The time to display, this is formatted as defined by ISO 8601
- To display a date 18 years ago enter P18Y
- To display a date 21 years ago enter P21Y
- Format: The date format to show. Check out our format tokens to see what is available to use
For more information about defining time periods, please refer to our ISO 8601 article.
View Live Profit
Display the profit and cost of each product on the current sale (and show the overall cost and profit of the sale), this setting is remembered between sales. If you don't have the permission to see costs this does nothing.
View the Current Promotions
Display the sell screen promotion view screen to easily see all products that are currently on promotion (or will be in the future).
- Type: One of Current, Future or All which dictates what promotions to display
View the Current Time
Shows the current time on the register.
- Format: The format to show the time in. Check out our format tokens to see what is available to use
Weigh Again
Reweigh a product which has weight (such as fruit and vegetables) when using scales.
Setting the Default Sales Keys
You can specify which Sales Keys are displayed by default for several different levels, each overriding the next in this order (top is the default):
- Vendor / Company
- Outlet
- Register
- User
To specify what set of key should be used, you'll need to change the General Settings.
- Open the Menu
- Select Setup
- Select General
- Change the tab to the level you wish to change
- Find the Sales Keys setting under the Miscellaneous section
- Set the setting to whichever key folder you wish to use
- Press Save