Customising Shopfront

How to Setup Receipt Templates

Shopfront features customisable receipt templates to provide your own look and feel to your receipts. To modify or create a receipt template follow these steps:

  1. Select the Menu icon
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Receipts
  4. Select +New to create a new template or select Edit on an existing template you wish to modify

If you are creating a new template, then you will need to name the new template before proceeding. 




Types of Receipt

You have the choice of multiple different types of receipts to create:

Normal Receipt - A general sales receipt which can include images
Generic/Text only Receipts - A text-only general sales receipt (This is generally only for older receipt printers that don't have the ability to print images)
A4 Receipts - An A4 sized sales receipt. Can be attached as a PDF to an email receipt.  
Email Receipts - A sales receipt that can only be emailed to customers.
Account Payment Receipts - Toggle this on for any of the above formats to create it as an account payment receipt.

You can choose to create your receipt from our default receipt template preset or from a blank page. 




Adding Components to a Receipt Template

To add a component to a receipt template, follow these steps:

  1. Select Components
  2. Locate the component you wish to add
  3. Drag the component to the desired area on the receipt where you want it to be displayed

To view or modify component settings:

  1. Select the component you wish to modify
  2. Select Settings

List of Components and Settings:

Please note, available components and settings may vary depending on the receipt type selected.

Image 012.jpg


  • Set a text for a Completed Sale by typing into the text box
  • Set a text for a Parked Sale by typing into the text box
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Modify the padding
  • Add and modify a border
Text4.jpg Text
  • Add and modify text with all common text processing tools
  • Modify the Background Colour
  • Modify the padding
  • Add and modify a border
Outlet Logo6.jpg Outlet Logo
Image6.jpg Image
  • Add or change the logo via the Media Centre
  • Set Image dimensions if other than the default
  • Modify the Background Colour
  • Add and modify a border
Barcode.jpg Barcode
  • Displays a barcode unique to each sale and can be used to refund transactions
  • No modifications available
Image 018.jpg Spacer
  • Set the Height of the space to add between components
Columns.jpg Columns
  • Set the width percentage of the columns
  • Add and modify a border
Products1.jpg Products
  • Change the names of values to be displayed
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Enable a line to display discount reasons
  • Enable a line to display a product note
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Modify the padding
  • Add and modify a border
Image 022.jpg Tax
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Tax indic3.jpg Tax Indicator
  • Set a symbol for the Indicator by typing into the text box
  • Set a text to be displayed as explanation with the indicator by typing into the text box
  • Set the Tax type by selecting from the dropdown list
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Payments4.jpg Payments
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Loyalty 025.jpg Loyalty
  • Change the names of values to be displayed
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Account6.jpg Account
  • Change the names of values to be displayed
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Totals7.jpg Total
  • Change the names of values to be displayed
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border
Extern receipt28.jpg External Receipt
  • Add and modify a border
  • Change the alignment of the receipt
Gift CaRD9.jpg Gift Cards
  • Change the names of values to be displayed
  • Enable values to be displayed 
  • Rearrange order of values to be displayed
  • Modify colours, font, alignment
  • Add and modify a border

Note: The Gift Cards component will not appear on receipts when reprinted


Adding Outlet Information to a Receipt Template

If you have set Your Outlet Details, you can have this information appear on your receipts and display the details of the relevant outlet. This is updated using dynamic fields, see Adding Dynamic Fields to Receipts for further information.

The typical contact information displayed would have the dynamic fields below.

{} {} {}

email: {}

phone: {}


Configure an Email Receipt Template to Add a PDF Attachment

To attach an A4 PDF to an email receipt template, follow the steps below.

  1. From your Receipt List, select Configure next to the Email receipt template you wish to add an attachment to
  2. Select Add Attachment
  3. Provide a name for the PDF attachment. If you want to include the outlet name and invoice number in the name, you can use the dynamic field: {} Invoice #{invoiceNo}
    Note; You can find additional placeholders for the PDF filename attachment by referring to Adding Dynamic Fields to Receipts
  4. Under Receipt select an already existing A4 Receipt template to use as the attachment
  5. Select Confirm

Note; It is possible to add multiple receipt attachments to a template, but make sure not to include the same A4 receipt more than once.

For instructions on emailing receipts, refer to the help guide on Emailing Receipts to Customers.


Customising Receipt Padding

There are two options to adjust receipt padding in Shopfront, adjusting directly on the receipt or adjusting through the browser settings.

Adjusting the padding in Shopfront allows you to add padding in any direction of the receipt, offsetting the location of the receipt on the paper. To configure the padding, follow the steps below.

  1. From your Receipt List, select Configure next to the receipt template you wish to modify the padding on
  2. Enter the values you desire into each of the Top, Left, Right and Bottom fields
    • Values are in pixels
  3. Select Confirm 

To adjust the browser settings, follow our guide on setting up a receipt printer in Chrome and instead of selecting Default for the Margin you can use whichever value is most appropriate. Other browsers will having similar but slightly different steps.