Preparing Your Store

Configuring Your Outlet

Whether you've just signed up for Shopfront for the first time, have just added a new Outlet or are looking to reconfigure how your Outlet works, there are a number of different things you should look at to make sure you've got Shopfront setup how you want.

Setting Your Outlet Details

Outlet contact details can be applied by following the steps below. These details are then able to be used for your customer receipts and statements.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Register & Outlets
  4. Select Edit next to the outlet you wish to add the contact details to
  5. Fill in the details in General, Contact and Address
  6. Select Save

The outlet details that can be added are shown in the table below:

General Description
Name The Name of the outlet
Logo The Logo for the outlet
Email The Email address for the outlet
Fax The Fax number for the outlet
Phone The Phone number for the outlet
Mobile The Mobile number for the outlet
Website The Website for the outlet
Twitter Link to the outlet's Twitter page
Facebook Link to the outlet's Facebook page
Street 1

The Street 1 address of the outlet

Street 2

The Street 2 address of the outlet


The Suburb of the outlet


The City of the outlet


The Postcode of the outlet


The State of the outlet


The Country of the outlet

To ensure these details appear on your customer Receipts or Statements, make sure the relevant template specifies the Dynamic Fields.


Specifying Your Outlet's Email Address

Several parts of Shopfront can send outgoing emails to arbitrary email addresses. To ensure that you receive responses from your customers, it's essential to specify your email address. This ensures that your email address appears as the reply-to address for actions such as sending email receipts. This configuration is carried out at the Outlet level, allowing organisations with multiple Outlets to utilise different email addresses as needed.

To set an email address for your Outlet, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select General
  4. Search for Outlet Email by typing into the search text field
  5. Select the Outlet if applicable
  6. Enter your Outlet Email
  7. Select Save

Costs for Vendors with Multiple Outlets (Multi-Stores)

Note; This only applies to stores that have multiple outlets within their Shopfront domain.

If you have multiple Outlets linked within your Vendor you can run each of them using individual costs (each outlet has and updates their own cost), global cost (each outlet has and updates the same cost) or a mixture of the two.

For example, you have three Outlets, North, North-West and South. North and North-West are located close to each other, typically receive stock for similar costs and constantly transfer stock between each other so you would like to run these Outlet's at the same costs. South, however is located a fair distance away and gets charged a much higher cost than both North and North-West, therefore you would like South to be maintaining it's own costs. You would set each Outlet as follows:

  • North (Global Cost)
  • North-West (Global Cost)
  • South (Individual Cost)

These settings can change at any time in either direction (e.g. you can add South to Global Cost or you can remove North from Global Cost).


To Configure This Setting

  1. Select the Menu icon 
  2. In your settings select Setup 
  3. Select General
  4. Search for Use Global Cost by typing in the search text box
  5. Select the Outlet
  6. Toggle Use Global Cost for each outlet you would like to apply this setting to
  7. Select Save

Discounting Below Cost Behaviour

The discounting below cost settings allow you to control how Shopfront responds when a product's price is calculated to be below its cost. This includes the prevention of a sale from occurring when products are priced below cost or providing users with a warning message. This setting is applicable on all price calculations including the product's normal (everyday) price, promotional and discounted products.


Accessing and Configuring the Discounting Below Cost Settings

To modify the discounting below cost settings follow the steps below 

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select General
  4. Select Outlets
  5. Select an outlet
  6. Scroll down to Miscellaneous where you will find the setting Discounting Below Cost Behaviour

Each setting option is explained below.


This is the default value, it allows the user to sell below cost with no warning, if you don't want staff to know your cost prices, you'll need to run on this setting.


When a price calculation occurs that results in a lower-than-cost price, Shopfront will show a dialog warning the user that the price is below the cost price. It allows users to ignore the warning or to adjust the sell price to the cost price (the user will require their Role to have the See Cost Permission enabled).


This prevents products from being sol

d below cost, when a price calculation results in a lower-than-cost price, Shopfront will show a dialog which forces the user to update the sell price to equal the cost price.


Commonly Asked Questions

I was not warned or prevented from selling a product below the current cost price of a product

The most likely reason for this occurring would be if there is a rebate attached to a promotion that the product belongs to. Let's assume the cost of the product is $5 and there is an active promotion for $4, with a $2 rebate applied to the promotion. This would treat the cost as $6, which means the transaction would not be flagged as being sold under cost.