Running a Sales Report in Shopfront

Sales reports in Shopfront can be setup a number of different ways depending on the report type you wish to run.
Follow the steps below to access your Sales Reports page:
- Select Menu
- Select Reporting
- Select Sales Reports
Now it's time to setup the report to your specifications.
Note: Once a report has been set up to your required specifications, it can be saved as a favourite report for future use.
Report Type
This allows the user to change the focus of the specific report. For example, if the Report Type for a Sales Report is changed to Product, then it will generate a report showing data for each individual product sold
Group By
Allows the data to be sorted into groups. For example, you may choose to set up the report to group your products by category.
Date and Time
Choose a start and end date, you can also narrow the report to a specific time during the day.
Consolidate by Report Type
Selecting Unconsolidated will display a separate listing for each transaction, for example if a product was sold over two separate transactions, you would see the product would appear twice on the report, if the report is consolidated, the product will only appear once and the total consolidated sales will appear for each product.
Setting a precision allows you to group the selected date of the report by a specific time period, you can choose to view either the total range for the selected date, or view the aggregate consolidated date, as can be seen in the video below, the precision by (Range) Date displays a separate column for each day based on the date and time selected, selecting Day Aggregate displays the aggregate sales for each day of the week for the date selected.
Search Bar
The search bar can be used to narrow the report down to view certain components of the sales data. This can be used to filter specific products, customers, classifications, registers, outlets and users. The search bar filter also lets you exclude any of the above components, this can be achieved by searching the component and unticking the Included toggle.
Sales reports contain various columns that can be added or removed, to add or remove columns select Columns, any columns ticked will appear on the report.
Any of the columns can be sorted from lowest to highest or highest to lowest amount, to do this select the column heading that you wish to sort by.
In the example below we have sorted the profit percentage to show the products with the lowest profit percentage at the top of the report, by selecting the column a second time the products are shown from highest to lowest profit percentage.
Common Sales Report Questions
Why do my revenue totals not match my payment method totals
There are a number of reasons why the payment method sales report may not match the total revenue in a sales report.
- Sales that are parked after making a part payment and are finalised on another day will result in the revenue and payment methods showing different figures. As soon as a payment has been made for a sale, this will be reflected in the payment method report and register closure page as money received, if only part of the sale has been paid and the sale is parked, the total revenue won't be reported until the sale has been fully paid.
- If an account sale is processed, this will immediately be reported as revenue, however, an account sale will not appear when the payment method report types are selected until the account sale has been paid.
- There may be a difference between the revenue and payment method sales report if you have a payment method with rounding, for example, a product that has a selling price of $3.99 and is paid for with cash will report the revenue as the specified $3.99 price, however, due to the fact that $4 was actually received, the payment method will display the actual amount received resulting in the payment method report type being 1c higher than the revenue, this particular scenario is demonstrated in the video below.
Why is my profit percentage lower or higher than expected?
If you notice that your profit percentage is lower or higher than expected for a particular period, the easiest way to identify what could be causing this is to isolate the products that have the lowest or highest profit percentage. This can be achieved by changing the Report Type to Product and selecting the profit percentage column to sort from lowest to highest or highest to lowest. Once you have identified the products, you can add the products in question by searching and selecting them in the report search bar.
To find further sale details such as the invoice number and the date and time of the sale, you will need to change Consolidate By Report Type to Unconsolidated.
How do I run a payment method report that shows a breakdown of the specific bank cards used, such as AMEX, Mastercard and VISA?
If you wish to generate a report that provides a more detailed breakdown of your received payments going beyond the payment method type to reveal specific card types, you can opt for the Payment Method Subtype report type. This option is relevant for integrated EFTPOS terminals as it details your payments received by the card type, such as AMEX, MasterCard, VISA.
To create a payment subtype report, click on Report Type and change it Payment Method Subtype.