Quick Menu Shortcuts

The cloud icon at the top left of your Shopfront screen serves as your access to the Quick Menu shortcuts. The quick menu can be accessed from anywhere within Shopfront to navigate to frequently used pages and is set for users individually. There are two different ways of adding items to the quick menu, via the individual user edit pages or via the star and pencil tools on the quick menu.
Modifying the Quick Menu via a User's Edit Page
You can create or modify quick menu items from each user's edit page.
Handle button | Click and drag to rearrange the order of the items |
Name | The description that will be displayed on the Quick Menu list |
URL | The page link starting after yourstore.onshopfront.com e.g. "/orders" will take you to the Orders and Invoices page |
External Toggle | Enable this to open items from the quick menu as external tabs. If this is disabled clicking on an item from the list will navigate your current tab to that page |
Bin Icon | Click to delete items |
+ Add | Click to add a new item |
Note: Please refer to the article on user modification for further details on how to access and edit the user account setup.
Modifying the Quick Menu via the Star and Pencil Tools
When you click on the cloud icon you will see whatever shortcuts have been previously added to your user's quick menu and additionally, two icons at the top of the list. These icons are a star and a pencil tool.
Star |
Clicking the star tool will add the page you are currently on to your user's quick menu items. A prompt will appear for you to Name and Add the item to your quick menu. Clicking on the star again will remove the item from your quick menu. |
Pencil | Clicking the pencil tool will take you to your user's edit page |