
Slow Moving Stock Report

The Slow Moving Stock Report creates a report showing products that has a low turn rate relative to the quantity on hand. 

Note; This report presumes that your inventory is correct. 

To access the Slow Moving Stock Report, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Reporting > Miscellaneous Reports
  2. Select Slow Moving Stock
  3. Select the Outlet from the dropdown list
  4. Click Run for a list of all Slow Moving Stock or search for a particular Family, Brand, Category or Tag and select Run

The following columns will appear:

  • Name of the product
  • Average Sold Per Day
  • Inventory - current inventory 
  • Creation date - the date the product was created
  • Last Sold - the date the product was sold
  • Last Purchased - the date the product was purchased
  • Score 

Each product is given a score based on the following calculations;

The current inventory is divided by the average sales per day. (Inventory / Average Sales Per Day)

If the product has never been sold the following calculation is used, days since creation date multiplied by the current inventory (Days since creation date x Current Inventory)

If the score is below one, the product will be ignored. 


You can export the report to a CSV. Click on Export CSV. It will download the report automatically.