Configuring a Product for Sale on Shop MyLocal

Shopfront has two methods for configuring how a product is sold on Shop MyLocal. Whether the product is sold at all on Shop MyLocal and what price should be sent to Shop MyLocal (if you're on the premium subscription).
Changing Whether a Product is Sold on Shop MyLocal
After the Shop MyLocal integration has been completed, the integration will create a new additional field, by default called "Sell on Shop MyLocal". You can toggle this field on each product to be enabled or disabled.
To toggle the field, open the products screen (Menu > Stock Management > Products), find the product you want to modify and press edit.
You'll then need to scroll to the bottom of the screen where the Additional Information is. Here you can toggle the field to be enabled or disabled.
If the product has already been synchronised and you're turning the toggle off the product will be marked as out-of-stock on Shop MyLocal but not as deleted (it's not possible for an integration to delete a product on Shop MyLocal).
Deleting a Product on Shop MyLocal
Shop MyLocal is an external application to Shopfront, information provided here is as a reference only. The Shopfront support team are unable to assist with issues relating to the use of Shop MyLocal. For assistance, please contact the Metcash Shop MyLocal support team.
If you no longer wish to sell a product on Shop MyLocal, we would highly recommend not only disabling the toggle on the Shopfront side, but removing it from sale on the Shop MyLocal side. To do so, log into your Shop MyLocal administration portal and go to My Adverts.
On this screen, type in the name of the product under the Advert Title field and then press search (please note, you'll need to use the product name that appears in Shop MyLocal, not the product name that is in Shopfront) (you can also use any other field to search with).
Scroll down and find the product you wish to stop selling and press Don't sell this product.
The product will now no longer appear for sale in your store on Shop MyLocal.
Configuring the Price Used to Sell on Shop MyLocal
If you're on the premium Shopfront plan you're able to setup and use Price Sets to sell at a different price on Shop MyLocal compared to the price used to sell in-store at the register.
Before configuring and using a Price Set on Shop MyLocal you'll need to create one and assign product prices to it. To find out how to do this, check out our article on Price Sets.
Once your Price Set is setup and ready to use, open the Shop MyLocal integration settings (Menu > Setup > Integrations, find Shop MyLocal and select Settings), under the Outlet that you wish to configure the price set for, select the Price Set from the dropdown list.
After selecting the Price Set press Save. Once the settings have finished saving, you'll want to press the Perform Full Product Synchronisation button to upload all of the Price Set prices to Shop MyLocal.
If a product doesn't have a price with the price set specified but is marked to sell on Shop MyLocal, the integration will default to using the Default Price Set.