Managing Inventory

How to Export a File for External Stocktakers

If you're working with an external stocktaker you can now easily export your current products, inventory levels and cost prices to a CSV file and email it to the stocktaker. This file will help the stocktaker to match the barcodes to the correct product when it comes time to import the stocktake. 

Note: You'll need to ensure that you have the permission Perform Stocktake enabled in your user role to to access the Stocktaker Import.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Stock Management
  3. Select More
  4. Select External Stocktake
  5. At the top left of the screen click Export Stocktake File
  6. Save the CSV file
  7. Email the CSV file to your stocktaker

The file will contain the following columns:

Column Description
Product The name or description of the product
Category The category assigned to the product
Case Quantity The amount of singles contained in a case
Barcode The barcode of the product
Quantity The barcode quantity
Ex Cost The single cost of the product (exclusive of tax)
Inc Cost The single cost of the product (inclusive of tax)

Note: For a guide on how to Import a Stocktaker File please refer to the linked article.