Managing Cash in the Register
The Cash Management section in Shopfront enables you to easily keep track of the money in your cash drawer. Additionally, it logs reasons for the cash drawer to be opened between opening and closing the register.
To access the Manage Cash page, perform the following:
- Open the Menu
- Select Register
- Select Manage Cash
Open Cash Drawer
If you need to temporarily open the cash drawer to confirm the amount of money in the till without having to perform a sale using a payment method which opens the drawer, you can do the following:
- Select Open Cash Drawer
- Enter a reason by typing into the text box
- Select Open to finalise
Put Cash Into the Register
Sometimes you might be running a bit short on cash in your register so you might want to increase the amount of money in the till without putting through a sale. To put cash into the register:
- Select Put cash in from the options at the top of the screen
- Enter the amount and a reason for putting cash into the till
6. Select Done to finalise
Take Cash Out of the Register
Need to take some cash out of the drawer to purchase some amenities or move to another location? To make a record of cash being taken out of the till without processing a sale:
- Select Take cash out
- Enter the amount you wish to take out of the till and select 'Confirm'
- Specify a Reason by typing into the text field
7. Select Done to finalise
Perform a Safe Drop
Safe drop allows you to take money out of your till to store in the safe. To perform a safe drop:
- Select Safe Drop
- Enter the amount of money you would like to drop into the safe
Setup Automatic Safe Drop Alerts
You can setup automatic alerts for safe drops to trigger when the current cash in the drawer reaches a predefined amount and you're on the sell screen.
- Open the Menu
- From your menu select Setup
- Select General
- Search for Safe Drop Alert by typing into the search field
- Select the Register
- Enter Safe Drop Alert Amount
- Click Save
Swap Cash
If you need to swap the denominations in your register, you can use the swap cash function to keep track of all the information and allow for easy balancing.
- Select Swap Cash
- In the following screen please enter the denominations you would like to put in the register by typing either an Amount or a monetary Value into the relevant rows
6. Click Next to enter the denominations you will take out of the register in exchange
7. Click Next to view the overview of your swap and confirm all values entered are correct