External Stocktaker Import

If you've had an external stocktaker count the products in your outlet, you should request a file from the stocktaker in the following format so that you can import and update your inventory levels within Shopfront.
Formatting the External Stocktaker Import File
The file received from the stocktaker will need to be in a CSV format and can contain the following columns:
Column Header | Description | Required |
name | The name or description of the product | No |
barcode | The barcode of the product | Yes |
cost | The single cost of the product (inclusive of tax) | No |
quantity | The quantity scanned | Yes |
- Column order does not matter
- Column Header is case-sensitive
- Cost must be greater than zero
- Cost can contain the currency symbol ($ and €)
- Quantity can be set to zero
The bottom of this article contains an example file with the name, barcode, and cost for one product count.
Importing the Formatted External Stocktaker File
When you have received the CSV file and are ready to import the stocktake:
- Open the Menu
- Select Stock Management
- Select More
- Select External Stocktake
- Select Import Stocktaker File
- Select Choose File and select the relevant CSV file
- If you have multiple Outlets, you will need to select the Outlet the file is for
- Select whether you wish to zero all inventory that is not counted (by toggling the Zero All Inventory option). If this is not toggled on, any product not counted in the stocktake will be ignored.
- Select whether the stocktake should Override or Add to the current stock.
- Select Import
Reviewing and Applying the Imported External Stocktaker File
Shopfront will now process the file. Follow the steps below to check and apply the stocktake:
- You will receive a notification once the Stocktake has been created in your store. Select the notification to view the imported stocktake.
- Any barcode from the import that does not match your product barcodes will be highlighted in Green. You can associate the unmatched barcode with an existing product or create a new product (All unassociated products will be created as new products in your outlet, if ignored, this can lead to duplicate products)
- Once your review and maintenance is complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Complete
- You'll now be presented with the option to Review or Apply Stocktake. Both options will display the products on the screen, including those scanned and not scanned, along with any variances. Selecting Review allows you to modify and save the actual stock counted before applying. After you've selected Apply Stocktake, you'll receive a notification about the stocktake being applied.
{note}If you have basket products with track inventory turned on, the products within the basket may see an inventory decrease when zeroing stock not counted. Please look at the article on Basket Products and refer to the Stocktaking section for more information on the effect of Basket Products on the inventory of the products inside.{/note}
Example CSV Stocktake Import.csv
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