Transferring Stock Between Outlets

When you have more than one location (Outlet) to maintain stock, you'll sometimes want to transfer stock between locations, whether that be from one store to another, a warehouse or just another tracked area within your store.
{note}This requires multiple Outlets to be set up in Shopfront, you can manage your Outlets in the Account & Billing section. If you’re wanting to transfer stock to another store that’s not on the same domain, you might be interested in Vendor Connections.{/note}
Transfers in Shopfront occur at cost (as you’re not selling the stock to the other store), you can customise whether this uses last cost or average cost and how it updates on the receiving side. Details on how to do this are below in the section about Configuring Transfers.
{note}If you're not looking to transfer stock to another Outlet controlled by Shopfront, but instead looking to remove it (for example, due to stock being stolen or broken), you may be interested in transferees{/note}
Sending Stock to Another Outlet
Create Transfer
Edit Transfer
Send Order / Transfer / Return
Sending a transfer is very similar to sending a supplier order.
- Open the Menu
- Select Stock Management
- Press Transfer Stock
This will then present you with the create transfer screen, on this page you’ll specify the Outlet the transfer is coming from and the Outlet the transfer is going to. Other details can also be customised to your liking. Once you’ve confirmed the details are correct, select the Transfer button.
On this screen, you’ll now be able to add products and specify the quantities being transferred. Some stores prefer to scan the items into the screen as they pack them to ensure the correct quantities are being transferred.
More details about this screen can be found in the sending a supplier order article.
Once you’ve added all your stock and it’s ready to go, press the Save & Send button.
{note}After you’ve sent the transfer, the stock in the Outlet being sent from is adjusted, any additional items added or modified on the transfer won’t be deducted from the sending Outlet.{/note}
Receiving a Transfer
Edit Transfer
Receive Order / Transfer
Once you have physically received the stock from the transferring store, you’ll want to receive it on Shopfront.
There are two ways to find the transfer. When the transfer is first sent, you’ll receive a notification to say it’s on the way, if you still have this notification, you can just press it to be taken to the view page for the transfer. If you no longer have the notification, you can find the transfer by doing the following:
- Open the Menu
- Select Stock Management
- At this point, you might be able to see the transfer, continue if you can’t find it
- Change the Status to Sent
- Change the Type to Transfer
- Click Filter
- If you still cannot find the transfer, adjust any additional filters and then press the Filter button again.
At this point, you should be able to scroll through the list and press either View or Receive. To start receiving the invoice, press the Receive button.
More details about this screen can be found in the receiving a supplier order article.
Simply check that the stock matches what was received, and then once done, press the Save & Receive button, which will add the stock to your store.
{note}Any changes to the transfer won’t affect the sending store. Additional products received will likely require a second transfer to be sent, and any stock that has not been received should be treated as lost in transit.{/note}
Configuring Transfers
If the Shopfront default settings aren’t to your liking, several settings can be configured to make it work the way you’d like.
All of the settings can be found in the General Settings, which can be accessed via the Menu > Setup > General. Each setting can also be modified per-Outlet.
{note}Don’t forget to press save after you’ve modified the settings{/note}
Force review before sending transfers
This will create a review before the transfer is able to be sent, for more details, check out our article on order reviews.
Force review before receiving transfers
This will create a review before the transfer is able to be received, for more details, check out our article on order reviews.
Send transfers using average cost
If enabled, transfers will be sent using the current average cost, otherwise transfers will be sent using the current last cost.
Update last cost when receiving transfers
If enabled, transfers will update the last cost of the product when received, otherwise the last cost will not be modified.
Update average cost when receiving transfers
If enabled, transfers will update the average cost of the product when received, otherwise the average cost will not be modified.