All About Promotions

Promotional Tickets

Shopfront can export your promotional tickets to DesignPro.

Note; If Design Pro hasn't been installed see How to install Avery Design Pro for Shelf Tickets.


How to Export Promotions to Design Pro

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Marketing
  3. Select Shelf Tickets
  4. Select Promotional Tickets
  5. Ticket the Promotions or Products you wish to export
  6. Press Export


Can't Find Your Promotion?


If your promotion isn't appearing in the Promotional Tickets list it's likely we cannot export that type of promotion to DesignPro.

Types of Promotions that cannot be exported:

  • Inactive Promotions
  • Advanced Promotions with more than one criteria
  • Promotions that contain no products (we don't export any classifications)


Adding or Changing Shelf Ticket Fields

  1. Open Design Pro
  2. Create or Select a template that you would like to edit
  3. Find the field that you would like to display in the Every Day tickets below by picking the most appropriate description for your ticket
  4. Select the section of the ticket you wish to place the field

  5. At the top of the screen select "Database" then "Insert Field"

  6. In the list select the "Field" you want in the ticket. In this example we are adding a bar-code to the ticket. Select "Insert"

  7. The shelf ticket template will now have a bar-code added to it.

  8. Now when you print that templates shelf tickets they with have bar-codes on them. To check how your shelf tickets with look select "Print Preview" from the top of the screen.

  9. Here is what they will look like when I print them out. 


Below is a listing of the ticket fields that you can add to your shelf ticket prices, take a look through and find the best field for your next set of shelf tickets.

Promotional Tickets

Name Description
NAME The name of the product
QUANTITY The quantity of the product
QTY_CASE The quantity of the product (in cases)
QTYBLNK The quantity of the product or blank if zero
QTYEACH The word `Each` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYEACHU The word `EACH` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYEACHL The word `each` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYEA The word `Ea` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYEAU The word `EA` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYEAL The word `ea` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYCBLAN The quantity of the product (in cases) or blank if zero
QTYCEACH The word `Each` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTYCEACU The word `EACH` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTYCEACL The word `each` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTYPER The word `Per` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYPERU The word `PER` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYPERL The word `per` or blank if quantity is zero
QTYCPER The word `Per` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTYCPERU The word `PER` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTYCPERL The word `per` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLITEM The word `Item` or blank if quantity is zero
SGLITEMU The word `ITEM` or blank if quantity is zero
SGLITEML The word `item` or blank if quantity is zero
CASITEM The word `Item` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
CASITEMU The word `ITEM` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
CASITEML The word `item` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
CASCASE The word `Case` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
CASCASEU The word `CASE` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
CASCASEL The word `case` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLCOL The symbol `:` or blank if quantity is zero
CASECOL The symbol `:` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLDOL The symbol `$` or blank if quantity is zero
CASDOL The symbol `$` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLCENT The symbol `¢` or blank if quantity is zero
CASCENT The symbol `¢` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLEURO The symbol `€` or blank if quantity is zero
CASEURO The symbol `€` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLPOUND The symbol `£` or blank if quantity is zero
CASPOUND The symbol `£` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLYEN The symbol `¥` or blank if quantity is zero
CASYEN The symbol `¥` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
SGLRUPEE The symbol `₹` or blank if quantity is zero
CASRUPEE The symbol `₹` or blank if quantity is zero (in cases)
QTY2FOR The buy amount and the word `For` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 For)
QTY2FORU The buy amount and the word `FOR` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 FOR)
QTY2FORL The buy amount and the word `for` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 for)
QTYCFOR The buy amount (in cases) and the word `For` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 For)
QTYCFOR The buy amount (in cases) and the word `FOR` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 FOR)
QTYCFORL The buy amount (in cases) and the word `for` or blank if less than one (e.g. 2 for)
QTYCFORL The discount amount (e.g. 12.34)
PPRICE_D The dollar amount of discount amount (e.g. 12)
PPRICE_C The cent amount of discount amount (e.g. 34)
PPRICE_W The full discount amount or the dollar amount if no cents are present (e.g. 12.34 is 12.34 but 56.00 is 56)
NPRICE The normal price (e.g. 12.34)
NPRICE_D The dollar amount of the normal price (e.g. 12)
NPRICE_C The cent amount of the normal price (e.g. 34)
NPRICE_W The full normal price or the dollar amount if no cents are present (e.g. 12.34 is 12.34 but 56.00 is 56)
SPRICE The savings amount (e.g. 12.34)
SPRICE_D The dollar amount of the savings (e.g. 12)
SPRICE_C The cent amount of the normal price (e.g. 34)
SPRICE_W The full savings amount or the dollar amount if no cents are present (e.g. 12.34 is 12.34 but 56.00 is 56)
PROMO_EA The price for each product in the promo (the rate)
PROMOCEA The price for each product in the promo (the rate) (in cases)
SDAY_NTH The day of the month for the start date (including ordinal indicator) (e.g. 1st)
SDAY_N The day of the month for the start date (e.g. 1, 22)
SDAY_NN The day of the month for the start date with leading zeros (e.g. 01, 22)
SDAY_SRT The short version of the day for the start date (e.g. Mon)
SDAY_LON The long version of the day for the start date (e.g. Monday)
SMTH_N The month number for the start date (e.g. 1, 12)
SMTH_NN The month number for the start date with leading zeros (e.g. 01, 12)
SMTH_SRT The short version of the month for the start date (e.g. Jan)
SMTH_LON The long version of the month for the start date (e.g. January)
SYR_YY The short version of the year for the start date (e.g. 18)
SYR_YYYY The long version of the year for the start date (e.g. 2018)
S_DASH The symbol `-` for the start date
S_SLASH The symbol `/` for the start date
EDAY_NTH The day of the month for the end date (including ordinal indicator) (e.g. 1st)
EDAY_N The day of the month for the end date (e.g. 1, 22)
EDAY_NN The day of the month for the end date with leading zeros (e.g. 01, 22)
EDAY_SRT The short version of the day for the end date (e.g. Mon)
EDAY_LON The long version of the day for the end date (e.g. Monday)
EMTH_N The month number for the end date (e.g. 1, 12)
EMTH_NN The month number for the end date with leading zeros (e.g. 01, 12)
EMTH_SRT The short version of the month for the end date (e.g. Jan)
EMTH_LON The long version of the month for the end date (e.g. January)
EY_YY The short version of the year for the end date (e.g. 18)
EY_YYYY The long version of the year for the end date (e.g. 2018)
E_DASH The symbol `-` for the end date
E_SLASH The symbol `/` for the end date
C_GROUP The customer group the promotion applies to