Favourite Reports

If you're commonly running the same reports you may want to save them to your Favourite Reports, this saves time by not having to configure the same report every time you want to run it. Favourite Reports can also be emailed to you automatically.
How to Save Favourite Reports
- Open and configure the report you want to make a favourite
- Select the Save button
- Enter a Report Name
- This will be visible in the Favourite Reports screen and in email subjects if you have it emailed to you
- Choose whether the time period is Static or Dynamic
- A static report keeps the current date and time that is selected in the report
- A dynamic report will automatically adjust the time period it is run at
- If Dynamic is selected, enter the period type, the dynamic type and the dynamic amount if required
- Select Save
How to Automatically Email Favourite Reports
- Navigate to Menu > Reporting > Favourite Reports
- Select Settings on the report you wish to set up set up for automatic email
- Turn on the Enable Automatic Emails toggle
- Add the email address for the report to be sent to (To add multiple email addresses, select + New Email Address for each additional address)
- Select the desired time period for the report to be emailed
- Select Save
Scheduling Custom Email Reports
The steps above allow you to schedule emails to be sent on a daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis, with the option to set up a custom time period. By default, a week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. However, the custom time period option allows you to set an anchor date, which serves as the starting point for any chosen time period. The custom time period is set using the ISO 8601 Period Format.
For example, if you want a fortnightly emailed report with the start date on a Wednesday, the steps should be set as below.
- Change the Time Period to Custom
- Set the Anchor Date to the Wednesday you want the report to start on
- Select Custom
- Enter P14D
- Select Update
This setup will ensure you receive the email at midnight every second Wednesday, containing two weeks' worth of report data.
The time period will always default to the start of trading on the start date and the end of trading on the end date. However, if you want to set a specific start time, you can do so by setting your desired start time in the anchor date.