During a Sale

How to Discount Products

Shopfront offers several different options for discounting products during a sale to suit a variety of needs. Discounts can be applied on individual products or applied to an entire sale (which will then be proportionally applied across products).

Discount individual Products

  1. Once a product has been added to the sell screen, select the $ amount beside the product name
  2. You'll be presented with two discount options: Simple and Advanced
  3. For a Simple price override, enter the desired price next to New Price
    or select Advanced to be presented with a discount-type drop-down menu (continue reading for a table detailing discount types) choose the discount type and type the amount as required
  4. Select Confirm

Note: If Discounts require reason is enabled you will be prompted to choose from predetermined discount reasons, or select Other to specify a custom reason


Discounting Types

Type Description Applies To
Total Price Override Discount the total price of the item to the provided price Products, Sale 
Item Price Override  Discount the individual price of an item to the provided price


Case Price Override  Discount the case price of an item to the provided price Products
Discount Percentage Discount the total price of an item by the provided percentage Products, Sale
Discount Total Amount Discounts the total price of an item by a set amount Products, Sale 
Discount Item Amount Discounts the individual price of an item by a set amount Products, Sale
Case Rate Changes the price to be the same rate as the item's Case Quantity Products
Sell Rate  Changes the price to a quantity rate you will set in the next step Products


Discount Sale Total

Discounting the sale works similarly to discounting an individual product. Click on the sale's total $ amount. 

Total Amount Override Type the new total in to the text box either using the type pad or your keyboard
Discount Percentage Type the percentage amount into the text box either using the type pad or your keyboard

Note: Both discount types will adjust the individual products' prices proportionally. 


Discounts Require Reason

To enable the requirement of a discount reason during the discount process and provide users with predetermined options, please follow these steps:

  1. Select Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select General
  4. Scroll down to locate the Discounts Require Reason setting
    If Discounts Require Reason is enabled, you will see a Modify Reasons icon on the right side of the setting, to modify or create new predetermined discount reasons, follow the steps below.
  5. Select Modify Reasons
  6. To add a new reason select + Add Reason, existing reasons can be modified or to remove a reason select the trash icon on the right side of the reason
  7. Select Update
  8. Select Save

Commonly Asked Questions

Is it possible to restrict discounts on specific products?

Individual products can be prevented from being discounted. To implement this restriction, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Menu
  2. Select Stock Management
  3. Select Products
  4. Scan or Search the product and select Edit
  5. Scroll down to Sell & Cost Prices and apply the setting Prevent manual discounts being applied to this product
  6. Select Save
