Purchase Reports

Purchase reports allow you to view products an outlet has purchased through Orders & Invoices over a specified period of time.
Creating a Purchase Report
To create a Purchase Report, you will need to view a purchase report
- Open the Menu
- Select Reporting
- Select Purchase Reports
You can adjust the dates show in the report by clicking on Date And Time and selecting the date range that you want displayed. It is inclusive of the final date you select.
Report Type
This allows the user to change the focus of the specific report. For example, if the Report Type for a Purchase Report is changed to Supplier, then it will generate a report showing purchase information for each individual Supplier you have.
Group By
Allows the data to be sorted into groups. For example, you may choose to set up the report to group your purchases by supplier or products.
Date and Time
Choose a start and end date, you can also narrow the report to a specific time during the day.
Consolidate by Report Type
Selecting Unconsolidated will display a separate listing for each order that has been created during that time and display information related to it such as the order type, the outlet it was for and the costs and fees. Leaving the report Consolidated provides an overall figure for the total cost and fees.
Setting a precision allows you to group the selected date of the report by a specific time period, you can choose to view either the total range for the selected date, or view the aggregate consolidated date.
Search Bar
The search bar can be used to narrow the report down to view certain components in the purchases. This can be used to filter specific products, suppliers, classifications, outlets and users. The search bar filter also lets you exclude any of the above components, this can be achieved by searching the component and unticking the Included toggle.
Purchase reports contain various columns that can be added or removed, to add or remove columns select Columns, any columns ticked will appear on the report.
Any of the columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order, to do this select the column heading that you wish to sort by.