How to Perform a Register Closure

A Register Closure signals the end of a shift on a register. For most stores, the end of a shift is the end of a day and allows you to compare what money the system has recorded versus what you actually received. Performing a Register Closure is especially important if you have an integrated accounting system or are in a banner group to which you send your scan data, as closing the register will activate the sending of your sales data. If there are multiple registers each register must be closed.
To Perform a Register Closure
- Select the Menu icon
- Select Close Register
- This screen shows the expected money in your drawer and several other useful pieces of information such as the returns and account sales this shift
- Enter the total amount of money you have received for each payment method
- Different payment methods have different calculation options available, for example, the Cash payment method provides a calculator to assist you with counting your cash for each denomination and subtracting the float from the total (see link for information on how to How to Set a Float for Each Day of the Week)
- Once you have entered all of your received amounts, select Close Register
After closing the register you will be brought to a reporting summary of the register closure and will be able to print out this summary if required, this summary will always be available for future reference, click this link to view an article on how to view a previous register closure.
Commonly Asked Questions
How can I set the permission for Staff to Only View Recent Register Closures
The See Only Recent Register Closures permission allows users who lack permission to view Register Closure reports to access the Register Closure report page immediately after closing the register. However, after twelve hours have elapsed since the register closure, the report becomes inaccessible to the user.
Please click the link for more details on applying user Roles and Permissions.
To enable staff to view only recent register closures, the below permissions must be applied as shown:
- View Register Closures - Toggled off
- See Only Recent Register Closures - Toggled on