Managing Users

Adding and Editing Users

Shopfront allows you to have multiple users, each with their own Roles and Permissions. There is no limit to the number of users you can have. We recommend creating a user for each staff member or users of Shopfront. This will help facilitate tracking changes and access to Shopfront.

The user list can be access by the following:

  1. Open the Menu,
  2. Select Setup,
  3. Select Users

Adding a User

To add a new user to Shopfront follow these steps:

  1. Press the Add User button on the top left of the screen,
  2. Fill in the details requested,
  3. Press Create

To further edit the user, please follow the steps below.  

Editing a User

  1. Press Edit on the user you wish to edit,
  2. Once you have made changes remember to click Save.

If you want to edit your own user. You can access it by selecting your user name on the right hand of any screen. It should bring up an option to Modify User. This will take you to your user edit page. 


Field Description
Name The name of the user, this appears in a number of places in Shopfront, such as the user interface, on reports and receipts
Username The username part of the credentials to be used when logging in to Shopfront. This must be unique across your account
Password The password part of the credentials to be used when logging in to Shopfront
Role The role the user belongs to which contains the permissions for what they can do, if you're the owner you should leave yourself as No Role.
Email The user's email address for your records, this is not used directly within Shopfront
Phone The user's phone number for your records, this is not used directly within Shopfront
Image The user's profile picture to display alongside the user's name throughout Shopfront's user interface
Quick Menu The quick links available to the user when they press the cloud in the user interface