Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty

Shopfront features a loyalty program to encourage people to come back and spend more within your store by earning points (based on revenue) which they can then redeem as a payment method.

You can customise the amount of points they receive for every dollar spent and the amount of points required to redeem a dollar in store. This can be done on a store level, classification level, or product level.

Setting up Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty first needs to be enabled on an Outlet level, which allows you to enable and disable loyalty for different Outlets and change the rates for each.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Loyalty
    • You will need to specify a Loyalty Rate and Redemption Rate for your loyalty program.
  4. Loyalty Rate:  For every $1 spent how many points will the customer receive?
  5. Redemption Rate: How many points equal $1 

So if you would like the customer to receive two cents for every dollar spent, the following would be required.


{note}Customers are shared between Outlets so we would suggest setting similar loyalty rates to prevent people from obtaining more points at one Outlet and redeeming for fewer points at another.{/note}

Configuring Loyalty for Classifications


Sometimes you might want to encourage people to purchase certain classifications of products to get more loyalty points or encourage people to redeem points on classifications. An easy way to set this up is to configure loyalty for classifications (categories, brands, families, and tags).

To configure rates follow these steps:

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Loyalty
  4. Set the Redemption Rate for your loyalty program, you can leave the Loyalty Rate blank if setting rates for each category
  5. Select Customise under the Outlet you wish to customise
  6. You'll now be presented with a page containing all of your classifications
  7. Find and select the classification you wish to edit
  8. Enter the Quantity people will need to purchase of that classification to obtain that loyalty rate
  9. Enter the Earn Value (the amount of points a customer receives for every $1 spent)
  10. Enter the Redeem Value (the amount of points required to redeem $1)
  11. Repeat for each classification you wish to modify
  12. Select Save Loyalty Settings at the bottom of the page

{note}The highest earn value applicable to the product will be used and the lowest redeem value will be used whenever there is a conflict. This excludes using $0.00 for either Earn or Redeem values which overrides all other values.{/note}

{note}If you leave a value blank it will inherit the value from the Outlet.{/note}

Excluding Classifications From Earning and Redeeming Loyalty

You can exclude specific Classifications, such as Cigarettes and Tobacco, from earning and redeeming loyalty. To do this, you will need to ensure you have set up the default loyalty settings, then select Customise. Search for and select the classification you want to exclude. To fully exclude loyalty for that classification, set the Quantity to One, and set both the Earn Value and Redeem Value to Zero.

Setting Loyalty for Individual Products

In addition to setting loyalty overall for your Outlet and to classifications, you can also set it for specific products, allowing you to easily exclude or promote earning and redemption of specific products. To set loyalty for individual products:

  1. Select the Menu
  2. Select Stock Management
  3. Select Products 
  4. Search the product you wish to modify the loyalty amount of
  5. Select the Loyalty tab from the list on the left or scroll down
  6. Set the intended loyalty rates for this product
  7. Once loyalty rates have been set click Save

Disabling Loyalty for Certain Customers

Sometimes you might want to disable Loyalty for certain Customer Groups as these customers might not be a part of a special program, get better pricing, or be able to pay later.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Customer Management
  3. Select Customer Groups
  4. Find the Customer Group you wish to modify
  5. Select Edit
  6. Either select Override Customer Group and disable loyalty or take the customer out of a loyalty enabled customer group

Processing Sales With a Loyalty Customer

Applying a Loyalty Customer to a Sale

Before applying a loyalty customer to a sale, ensure that you have Created the Customer and added the customer to a Customer Group with loyalty enabled. To add your loyalty customer to a sale, see How to Add a Customer to the Current Sale.

{note}To change the prompts displayed when creating a new customer, this can be achieved by modifying the page rules. For instructions, see Customising Creation Wizards (Page Rules). If you need assistance with modifying this, please reach out to Our Support Team.{/note}

Redeeming Loyalty Points

Once a customer has accrued enough loyalty points, they are able to redeem their points by following the steps below.

  1. Add the customer to the sale, and select the Finalise icon in the bottom right-hand corner. From here, you can view the customer's current loyalty point balance and the value earned for the current sale.
  2. Select the Loyalty payment method

  1. Type the amount of loyalty the customer wishes to spend into the input box or if they want to use all of their loyalty you can click on the Loyalty button. Once selected, the loyalty value gets added as a payment to the sale

  1. The sale will not complete until the full sale amount has been paid. If there is an outstanding amount, the remainder will be required to be payed using another payment method.

{note}Customers don't receive loyalty on the amount of loyalty paid on the sale (e.g. if they pay half using loyalty and half using cash, only the half paid using cash increases loyalty to the customer).{/note}

Running a Report Showing Redeemed Loyalty Points

The steps below will produce a report showing the loyalty dollars redeemed on each transaction for the period of time of your choosing for a specific customer.

  1. Select Menu
  2. Select Reporting
  3. Select Sales Report
  4. Change the Report Type to Payment Method
  5. Enter and select the customer's name into the Search for anything filter
  6. Enter and select the name of the loyalty payment method (ie. Loyalty)
  7. Set the Consolidate By Report Type to No
  8. Set the Date and Time of your choosing

The payment amount column indicates the loyalty dollars used to redeem each transaction.​ For more details on the transaction, you can right-click on the invoice number and Open in new tab.

If you would like to view how a customer reached their current points balance, each event is recorded in the revisions on the customer view page. Follow the steps below to complete this action;

  1. Select Menu
  2. Select Customer Management
  3. Select Customers
  4. Locate the customer and select View
  5. Select Revision History, the field called Loyalty Points will indicate each change in loyalty value

Running a Report Showing Accrued Loyalty Points

To view each transaction for a particular customer and the points attributed to that transaction you can either run a sales report or view the total amount of loyalty points attributed to each transaction by filtering the customer in sales history

The steps below will show how to set up a sales report for a customer, indicating the number of points attributed to each product for all transactions between the chosen date range.

  1. Select Menu
  2. Select Reporting
  3. Select Sales Report
  4. Change Report Type to Product
  5. Enter and select the customer's name into the Search for anything filter
  6. Change Consolidated By Report Type to Unconsolidated
  7. Select the desired Date and Time range
  8. Select the Column icon on the right-hand side of the screen, search or scroll down to find Earned Loyalty Points and tick the checkbox. You can also remove any unwanted columns by unticking their respective checkboxes.

{note}For a customer export that includes total current loyalty points for all customers see How to Export Customer Details.{/note}

How to Adjust a Customer's Loyalty Points

If a customer's loyalty points need to be adjusted, whether it's to add bonus points, reset points, or make other modifications, there are a few different ways to do this. All manual edits are automatically recorded in the customer's revision history, which can be accessed through the customer view page.

Assigning a Customer to a Previous Sale

If you forgot to add a loyalty customer to a sale, you can assign a previous sale to a customer by locating the sale in sales history. This will add the total loyalty points of the sale to the customers current loyalty points. 

Manually Modify Customer's Loyalty Points

If you wish to manually modify a customer's loyalty points, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Select Customer Management
  3. Select Customers
  4. Search for the customer you wish to edit and press Edit
  5. Scroll to the Loyalty tab
  6. Under Loyalty Points modify to the number of points by typing
  7. Click Save to finalise and apply the changes

Commonly Asked Questions

How will accrued and redeemed loyalty points appear in my register closure report?

Accrued and redeemed loyalty points will be displayed in the Loyalty section of the Register Closure Report. Since no actual money is exchanged when loyalty points are redeemed, redeemed points do not appear in the Money Received section of the register closure report.

Register Closure print settings can be modified to print loyalty earned and redeemed as a detailed table or as a consolidated total, see How to Modify Register Closure Print Setting for more information.

How do my redeemed loyalty sales appear in a Sales Report?

Any redeemed loyalty will appear in a sales report under the Payments report type under the payment method called Loyalty.